samedi 28 juillet 2007

Vélos en bambou

The Bamboo Bike Project is a collaboration between David Ho and John Mutter of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, and Craig Calfee of Calfee Design. The project aims to examine the feasibility of implementing cargo bikes made of bamboo as a sustainable form of transportation in Africa. The ultimate goals of the project are:

1.To build a better bike for poor Africans in rural areas.
2.To stimulate a bicycle building industry in Africa to satisfy local needs.

1 commentaire:

Noelle a dit…

quelle bonne idée !
on la veut aussi en Europe, cette bicyclette ...
En plus, le bambou pompe plus de CO² que les autres arbres, alors faisons pousser plein de bambous partout.
C'est bon pour la planète !

A bientôt Mistigreen ;-D