L'exemple contemporain du glam 50.
Cette fille est belle comme une pin-up et dessine des chaussures hautement désirables!
Et en plus, elle aime les chats.

preview été 08 © Minna Parikka
Minna Parikka ou le triomphe du boudoir. Une féminité sans concession pour des chaussures et des sacs assortis dans un esprit vintage exotica. Cuirs vernis, talons bobines, détails boutons, en noir bien sûr mais aussi en rouge vif ou bi-matière. So cute.
Age? 26
Home? Born and raised in Helsinki, Finland. After six years of living abroad,
returned home and started a business here in Helsinki.
Why shoe design?
I have known since the age of 15 that I want to design shoes. I was interested in both fashion and product design - and shoes fall perfectly in between those two. One of my biggest pleasures in life has always been buying shoes - especiallyb unusually designed shoes. Right after I finished high school, I moved to the UK to study Footwear design in DeMontfort
University, Leicester. In 2002 I graduated with BA(hons).
Story of your company?
I started the Minna Parikka brand in the summer of 2005, Autumn/Winter 2006-7 being my first collection. My ultimate dream and passion has always been to work for myself and fulfill my shoe fantasies. And believe me, that is an endless road!
Where do your designs come from?
My designs are strongly influenced by the past, but are more than just copies of historical shoes. Being a graduate of Shoe Design and a shop-a-holic for designer clothes and 1930-40‚s vintage, I rarely need to look for outside inspiration. My inspiration comes from a mixture of all the styles and fashions I have seen over the years - a mixture that is fixed
deep in my mind and shows in everything I do.
Design philosophy?
My shoes and bags are not of the typical Scandinavian design. I have lived and traveled all over the world and met so many different kinds of people from different cultures, that I feel that my designs no longer have a nationality - and therefore can be appealing to girly women everywhere.

Feminine shoes for forever girls‚ philosophy has proved to be true since my customers are aged between 18 and 70. My goal is to have fun, light-hearted, yet wearable designs. Shoes that will keep my customers entertained.
Goal in life?
I want to build an Minna Parikka accessory empire. The day I will have my own perfume I will be huge!
To be successful and have fun while working towards it.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Incredibly talented!
Collection hiver 07-08

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